From the time my children were born they have had a sitter stay with them, while I went to work. My office is close to home, I was able to see them every day during my lunch hour. I would always tell myself, this is good! I wasn't very convincing. I grew up with a mother who worked outside of the home, this was how things are supposed to be. Still, I longed to be the mom who could stay home doing all the snuggling, story-telling, feeding, even the diaper changing.
The twins were a few years away from being old enough for school. My husband I began a new mental torture - having made the decision to send them to a christian school, with no provided transportation, what to do about before and after school care? Often during my prayer time, I would question the Lord, "what would you have me do?" It seemed to be a reoccurring topic with my husband and I, then we would agree to pray about it again, again, and again. My working part-time seemed to be a good solution. As we poured over our budget, it seemed impossible. It took at least two years before John and I agreed that God was telling us trust me. This school was the right decision for our children. It was time to live out our faith and trust that God would provide for our needs.
Everywhere I felt God's presence and his shouting out to me TRUST ME! It seemed in every blog, and devotional resource I used, Philippians 4:19 kept popping up: God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. OKAY! I got it! That's when I became willing to give up the full-time job in search of part-time work.
As many of you may already know, part-time work for mothers is not easy to find. After months of searching, I was offered the perfect hours as an office assistant. The salary wasn't great, but the boss was a terrific guy, fully understanding of a mother's needs. I accepted the offer and handed in my letter of resignation the next day. Then God whispered....there is a time to keep ....
My full-time employer refused my resignation and asked how could they accommodate me? What would make me stay? Praise God! He really does provide for those who listen and follow in His steps! I continue to work with a great company, keep my job status and benefits, so much more than I ever hoped for! Only a loving God could work in the hearts of my superiors and make such a wonderful thing happen.
Do you have a story of God's blessing that you would like to share?
I'd love to hear it!