Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday's Menu Plans

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. (Matthew 6:26)

I have faith that the Lord will provide for my family, as long as we continue to be faithful.  However, a little planning ahead can't hurt...

Here's this week's outlook:
Tonight was crock pot scalloped potatoes with (Easter) ham
Tuesday - salisbury steak with a pasta medley
Wednesday - roasted chicken, mashed potatoes and green beans
Thursday - spaghetti and meatballs (leftover from last week)
Friday - Pizza and salad
Saturday - Turkey with stuffing, gravy & asparagus
Sunday - (more leftover Easter) ham and cheese brunch squares
Monday - roast chicken & veggies, with almond rice pilaf

Monday, April 18, 2011

Menu Planning Monday

She has prepared her meat and mixed her wine; she has also set her table. (Proverbs 9:2)

For a few years now, I have developed the habit of searching the local stores sales fliers and creating my grocery list.  First it started with buying only what was on sale.  Eventually it became, sales papers on one side and my recipe book on the other.  I must confess, I love it!  Trying to find new things for my family to eat is fun for me.  Now each week I create the dinner menu, and buy exactly what I will need for each recipe. 

This coming week has proved to be a bit of a challenge for me.  We will be travelling one day and hosting my adorable 5-year nephew for a few days.  While my children are used to their mother's experiments, I don't want "torture" the little guy.

My "good friend" Laura at Heavenly Homemakers has her menu planning down to an art (she includes breakfast, lunch and dinner), I am not so disciplined. AND with Easter approaching, my mother takes care of the weekend feasting!

Here's our week at a quick glance:
Tonight was - meatballs & sauce (crock pot), pasta and salad
Tuesday - fish, carrots and mashed potatoes
Wednesday - (travelling) turkey salad wraps, chips and fruit
Thursday - grilled cheese and soup
Friday - Mac & Cheese (crock pot) and asparagus
Saturday - dinner at mom's
Sunday - dinner at mom's
Monday - scallop potatoes (crock pot), ham and green beans

Meal planning has helped me to manage my time, with just one trip to the market each week.  Less time shopping = more time at home. 

What time savers do you use in the kitchen?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Keep moving forward....

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up....
1 Thessalonians 5:11

Fitness is something that I usually let pass. Sadly, I only get into fitness when I feel certain signs of weight gain, or after an appointment with my health coach. In this big, busy world, doing routine exercise seems to be too much. So when my childrens' school decided to make the annual spring fundraiser a 5K Race....oh boy....

My children are so excited about the READ-WRITE-RUN 5K Race! The whole school is involved and everyone is getting ready. I decided to make a commitment to my kids, "we will walk or jog, every day after school for 30 minutes". It's amazing what will make a child's face light up with such pure joy. Those looks alone told me, there is no turning back now.

We decided our start date with be the first of April. The first few days were very enjoyable, however the Berkshire weather likes to play games with it's residents. Snow and rain, rain and my promise weather proof? I thought, I can't make this happen, they will need to live with the disappointment. The idea of giving up and what that would teach my children kept spinning around in my mind. NO! Find a way.

FINALLY, it occurred to me. I went through my plethora of exercising DVDs (there are many in that "New Year Resolution" drawer) and I pulled out a Walk Fit DVD.  The three of us put on our sneakers and took a 2-mile walk in the living room. They loved it!

I am truly encouraged by their enthusiasm and look forward to a life long journey of this quality time with my children.

We are looking forward to the 5K Race on April 30th. Stay tuned to find out how we do!