Monday, October 4, 2010

Oh the seasons, they go round and round....

"And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man." Luke 2:52

Keeping along with my last posting about seasons, as my twins turned seven this past month I think back to the many seasons of motherhood I have already been threw.

Mom to be:

I found being pregnant with two, quite draining on my energy level, as well as my brain power!  However the excitement of two babies and all the perfect mommy things I would do made those nine (in reality it was seven) months go by so quickly.

My main concern was keeping my toenails polished, finding cute shoes to fit my swelling feet and where the best pickles could be bought.

New mom:

Let me start by telling you that my husband, family and friends were very nervous about me being a mother.  I will admit, their fears were justified after I had commented I needed to return many of the receiving blankets I was gifted at the baby shower.  I figured, I only need two blankets in order to "receive" two babies!

However, they all got past that hesitation once my mothering instincts kicked in.  No matter what John may tell you about my messing up "his" feeding/napping schedule.

Toddler mom:

I found this stage to be so much fun.  All the discoveries they make and fun they have playing with plastic bowls and dishes!  My kitchen was a hub-bub of activity, and it wasn't me making all that noise.

Kindergarten mom:

Oh the joys of witnessing their little minds working and learning.  A full day of school was tough on them and me!  Attitudes were changing, and getting used to the school schedule took a while.  Patience really is a fruit of the spirit and without the Holy Spirit, we would not have made it to the end of the school year.

First Grade mom:

Now a seasoned veteran of the school calendar, a new ball got thrown into the juggling mix - HOMEWORK.  Not only that, but I had to do it twice!  It has been interesting to see what types of learners my children are and how very different they are from one another.

Now they are in second grade.  I'm sure there will be many adventures to blog about this school year!  One thing I do know, I have a lot of room for growth in my mothering.  God and I work on things daily.  Not only are my children growing in wisdom and stature, but so am I.  Over the past seven years I've learned how to embrace who I am and all my shortcomings.  So I'm keeping my eyes on the heavenly goal, reminding myself..."charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised" (Proverbs 31:30).

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A New Season

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven - a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away.  (Ecclesiastes 3:1,6)

From the time my children were born they have had a sitter stay with them, while I went to work.  My office is close to home, I was able to see them every day during my lunch hour.  I would always tell myself, this is good!  I wasn't very convincing.  I grew up with a mother who worked outside of the home, this was how things are supposed to be.  Still, I longed to be the mom who could stay home doing all the snuggling, story-telling, feeding, even the diaper changing.

The twins were a few years away from being old enough for school.  My husband I began a new mental torture - having made the decision to send them to a christian school, with no provided transportation, what to do about before and after school care?  Often during my prayer time, I would question the Lord, "what would you have me do?"  It seemed to be a reoccurring topic with my husband and I, then we would agree to pray about it again, again, and again.  My working part-time seemed to be a good solution. As we poured over our budget, it seemed impossible. It took at least two years before John and I agreed that God was telling us trust me.  This school was the right decision for our children.  It was time to live out our faith and trust that God would provide for our needs.

Everywhere I felt God's presence and his shouting out to me TRUST ME!  It seemed in every blog, and devotional resource I used, Philippians 4:19 kept popping up: God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.  OKAY!  I got it!  That's when I became willing to give up the full-time job in search of part-time work.

As many of you may already know, part-time work for mothers is not easy to find.  After months of searching, I was offered the perfect hours as an office assistant.  The salary wasn't great, but the boss was a terrific guy, fully understanding of a mother's needs.  I accepted the offer and handed in my letter of resignation the next day.   Then God whispered....there is a time to keep ....

My full-time employer refused my resignation and asked how could they accommodate me?  What would make me stay?  Praise God!  He really does provide for those who listen and follow in His steps!  I continue to work with a great company, keep my job status and benefits, so much more than I ever hoped for!  Only a loving God could work in the hearts of my superiors and make such a wonderful thing happen.

Each day I am so happy to be able to drive my kids to school,  and be the one who greets them at the end of the school day.   To be the first to hear about what they learned and the fun they had with their friends.  As I continue this new season of motherhood, I am so thankful for this awesome blessing that God has sent my way.     

Do you have a story of God's blessing that you would like to share?  
 I'd love to hear it!                    

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Looking Back

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

September 2003, two months before my due date, I am at the grocery store with my husband and step-daughter.  I feel naceous, great pains in my belly.  We quickly check-out and head home so I can lay down and rest.  Perhaps I've been overdoing it lately.  The pain gets worse, we call 911.  I am rushed to the emergency room, my blood pressure is high, they keep me overnight for observation.

I am told to rest and take it easy.  I will meet with my obstetrician tomorrow afternoon.  As I go through the rest of the day, my mind wanders to everything the doctor might tell me.  So far it's been a great pregnancy.  Maybe I'll have to cut back, stop working full time.

The next day I awake at 5AM with the same pains as the night before.  This time my precious husband quickly packs a suitcase with all of my essentials, we are off to the hospital again. On the ride there, I pray to myself, Lord please help him.  Keep him strong, give him the energy he needs to get through today.  The poor guy is already tired from my last "episode", plus he had to go work.  The past 24 hours have not been easy for him.

I am rushed from our local hospital to one that is larger and equipped to handle premature births.  Still, I am not afraid, I continue to pray for my husband who is following the ambulance in our mini-van.  I ask the Lord to protect the driver of the ambulance and John, my husband.  Keep them both level-headed while driving so fast! 

The nurses and doctors are so wonderful!  I feel relaxed and painless.  John is a wealth of knowledge, answering all of their questions about  my pregnancy, up until this point.  How did he remember all of that!?  The sad news is, I will not go home pregnant.  For some unknown reason, I think that means I will be in the hospital, on bed rest for the next two months.  I begin to cry, I have too much to do at home, this can't be!

Well, it's not.  The doctor gives my husband a confused look.  John then explains to me, the babies will be born today.  But it's too early!  I start to understand the situation, yet I do not have any anxiety, the staff is so calm and matter-of-fact, they have no worries, why should I?

It amazes me how God did answer my prayer and gave John the strength he needed to get threw those 48 hours.  Well into the morning Michelle was delivered at 4:45am, all 2 lbs. 11oz of her and Daniel at 5:16am, at a whopping 3 lbs. 8 oz.

Throughout the whole ordeal, I really was "clueless" about the real danger of loosing either my life or theirs.  I never lost faith that the Lord was there, taking care of it all.  I find it amazing my only thought was to pray for John and his needs.  Later, I received a call from the nurse who rode with me in the ambulance, she told me she was praying for me the entire day, as well as my church family.  It was because of all of them, the Lord covered me with a great peace (aka being clueless).  In turn, my lack of hysteria, made it easier for my husband.

Every child is truly a blessing and a miracle.  On this day, the blessing was not only my beautiful twins, but the courage and strength that God gave to John and I.