Monday, October 4, 2010

Oh the seasons, they go round and round....

"And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man." Luke 2:52

Keeping along with my last posting about seasons, as my twins turned seven this past month I think back to the many seasons of motherhood I have already been threw.

Mom to be:

I found being pregnant with two, quite draining on my energy level, as well as my brain power!  However the excitement of two babies and all the perfect mommy things I would do made those nine (in reality it was seven) months go by so quickly.

My main concern was keeping my toenails polished, finding cute shoes to fit my swelling feet and where the best pickles could be bought.

New mom:

Let me start by telling you that my husband, family and friends were very nervous about me being a mother.  I will admit, their fears were justified after I had commented I needed to return many of the receiving blankets I was gifted at the baby shower.  I figured, I only need two blankets in order to "receive" two babies!

However, they all got past that hesitation once my mothering instincts kicked in.  No matter what John may tell you about my messing up "his" feeding/napping schedule.

Toddler mom:

I found this stage to be so much fun.  All the discoveries they make and fun they have playing with plastic bowls and dishes!  My kitchen was a hub-bub of activity, and it wasn't me making all that noise.

Kindergarten mom:

Oh the joys of witnessing their little minds working and learning.  A full day of school was tough on them and me!  Attitudes were changing, and getting used to the school schedule took a while.  Patience really is a fruit of the spirit and without the Holy Spirit, we would not have made it to the end of the school year.

First Grade mom:

Now a seasoned veteran of the school calendar, a new ball got thrown into the juggling mix - HOMEWORK.  Not only that, but I had to do it twice!  It has been interesting to see what types of learners my children are and how very different they are from one another.

Now they are in second grade.  I'm sure there will be many adventures to blog about this school year!  One thing I do know, I have a lot of room for growth in my mothering.  God and I work on things daily.  Not only are my children growing in wisdom and stature, but so am I.  Over the past seven years I've learned how to embrace who I am and all my shortcomings.  So I'm keeping my eyes on the heavenly goal, reminding myself..."charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised" (Proverbs 31:30).

1 comment:

  1. Kristine - you are amazing! Children are the most amazing blessing! But, I know that it is not always easy ... I also have two kiddos. Having one at a time was a challenge ... but you had two together!

    You are doing a great job!
